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What is Child Abuse and Neglect?

Physical Abuse- an injury to a child that is not an accident, may include:  Hitting, punching, beating, burning, biting, kicking, cutting, shaking, or any other action that may physically harm a child.

Emotional Abuse- maltreatment of a child that may involve criticizing, insulting, yelling, swearing, manipulation, rejecting, or withholding love.

Sexual Abuse- an sexual activity with a child, including exhibitionism, photographs or videos, pornography, prostitution, fondling, or rape.

Neglect- failure to provide for a child's basic physical, emotional, medical or educational needs.

Who abuses children? 

Most often the abuser is someone the child knows, such as a parent, relative, neighbor or friend of the family.

Where does child abuse happen? 

Wherever children are, where they live, sleep, learn, or play.

What to do if you suspect abuse?

Call the Child Abuse Hotline at:

1-800-25ABUSE (1-800-252-5117)

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